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Shop / Shop / Music (CDs, Records & Tapes) / Fear And Loathing / FEAR AND LOATHING – Party Time LP + Doggy Waste Bag 7″ EP
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FEAR AND LOATHING – Party Time LP + Doggy Waste Bag 7″ EP




16 tracks recorded 2001-2002 and released in 2002 on LP with an accompanying 7 inch EP, in a limited edition of 30 copies (E.C. Productions EC-059LP).

LP – Dead On Time / Un-Named One / Some Of The Time / Red Ring / No Time / Symptoms Of The Universe / 0=2 / Planet Earth / Hjorni Bjorni / Inferior Superior / Oi Oi Ormsby / Look At Yourself.

EP – 1 Of These Kids / I Kill Hippies / Human Cannonball / Crack’d.

RUNNING TIME – 50 minutes.

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