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STEWART HOME – Cyber-Sadism Live CD



23 tracks of spoken word performances from this UK writer, recorded 1994-1997 and released on this compilation in the UK in 1998 (Sabotage SAB HNT 002).

Introduction / From Red London / Blame It On The Normans / All Power To The Druid Councils / Is The Queen An Alien ? / From New Britain / Are There Any Feminists Here Tonight ? / From Girl Power / From Frenzy Of The Flesh / Banter With The Bar Maid / William Burroughs In Hell / Cheap Night Out / Saul Bellow Is Senile / From Slow Death / Anarchism Is Stupid / From Come Before Christ & Murder Love / Cyber “Guru” Douglas Rushkoff Responds To Home’s Performance / Audience Baiting / A Fiery Flying Roll From Defiant Pose / The Poet / The True Blue Confessions Of Larry O’Hara, Spookbuster / Monty Cantsin / Sonic Chat

RUNNING TIME – 59 minutes.

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