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Shop / Shop / Australian and New Zealand Music Books / Fanzines and Magazines / DNA Fanzine / DNA - issues 101 - 110 / DNA issue 106/107 – December 2005
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DNA issue 106/107 – December 2005



BAND PROFILES – Cheesy Knob Movies (Dick Dale), Day On Fire, Kamikaze, Transmitter and the various bands of Pete Taylor.
BAND MENTIONS – The Back $eat Romeos, The Billion Dollar Bum$, GG Alan Bindig, Defcon, Fear And Loathing, Fish Lips, Gacy’s Place, The Guantanamo Bay City Rollers, Hefer, Keeth, The Lab Rats, The Meatbeaters, Pigface, Pigswill, Slackjaw and Species.
OTHER – 2005 interview with me re-printed from Concrete Jungle fanzine, old Whyalla punk and metal bands (1985-1990) and survey of other Adelaide fanzines.

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