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Get It Down On Tape + Australian Various Artist On Cassette




A pair of books published as A4-sized paperbacks by Moonlight Publications

Get It Down On Tape – compiled by Paul McHenry, Chris Spencer, Dave Manning, Cameron Borg & Clinton Green and published in 1998.
ISBN 1-876187-20-4.
LENGTH – 126 pages.
This is a listing of cassette-only releases by Australian artists from 1972 to 1998. It includes brief biographical information, track listings, catalogue numbers and release dates.

Australian Various Artist On Cassette – compiled by Paul McHenry, Chris Spencer & Dave Manning and published in 1997.
ISBN 1-876187-12-3.
LENGTH – 80 pages.
This is a listing of cassette-only compilations of Australian artists, released between 1978 and 1996. It includes a brief description of each release, full track listings, catalogue numbers and release dates.

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